Saturday, 14 June 2008


Went out for the first time in well over a month last night, which was thoroughly appreciated. And it's always good to hear the soundsystem at the end pumping out tune after tune. Last night we were hosted by Chew The Fat! which was ace, Punks Jump Up, Deadly Rhythm, Foamo and Rogue Element all absolutely smashed it, with PJU getting things going with an upbeat set of bouncy electro and house before Rogue Element took over and brought a lot of nasty house along with him the highlight probably being the dropping of DIM's Presets remix with pinpoint accuracy. Awesome. New wonder-kid on the block Foamo dropped in next and really dragged us into jackin' territory with big tracks such as his Primary 1 remix beofre Deadly Rhythm rounded things up in a similar fashion with their usual knack for getting the tunes just right. Not a bad first night back in the game really.

Tonight s all about 333 (never thought i'd say that!) with Midfield General, Andy George and, for his first ever London show, Plastic Cowboy's favourite, Plimsouls! Very cool. Get down there as it promises to be a big one.

Browsing Myspace yesterday, i finally got around to checking out a new tune by Raffertie called Antisocial. Listen to it and you'll see why, it's probably the bassiest piece of dubstep i've heard and it's the first such track he's written. Very cool.

Raffertie - Antisocial

'till next time,



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