Monday, 5 January 2009

Human Attack

Yes, our lovely friends in Youth Attack have gone and made a full blown banger out of an old Human League track. Nice.

It's very loud with some nice wobbly little synth snippets over a barrage of pure electro brutality. We like. Lots.

Human League - Sound Of The Crowd (Youth Attack Remix)

We also have a Boy 8-Bit mix of Mujava. Yep, another remix. It's just turned into one of "Those" tracks, hasn't it, a la D.A.N.C.E. and such. Still, it's always kind of nice to hear in a set as that synth line is pretty darned catchy. It's not a hugely original mix, but i would say it is probably better than Sinden's effort.

Mujava - Township Funk (Boy 8-Bit Remix)

Oh, and Andy George has got grubby with Toddla T and the output is as typically wobbly, wonky and filth-like as one might expect, with an almost dubstep-esque break in the middle. Nice. Congratulations on more success Mr. George. We wish you all the best for the new year.

Toddla T - Manabadman (Andy George Refix)

Next post i'm going to totally sell out and post Crookers remixes.




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