Saturday, 3 November 2007

Another month passed,

And more music to be listened to. Good times. been away for a little bit recently, up in cambridge. Seriously, go there, it's a stunning place with some quite nice old pubs and a distinct lack of chavs. Can't say much fairer than that, yeah?

Anyow, rcently i have been listening to some stuff that i, asically, know little about. That doesn't detract from the quality of the tunes though.

First up, Stereo Image. A new band made up of an ex-junior boy (They're good too, saw them supporting hot chip last year and they were probably more interesting to be honest) making some of the darkest, yet unashamedly pop, pop music i've heard for a while or possibly ever. I'm not sure, judge for yourself. I suppose you might compare the sound to that of burial on prozac maybe.

Stereo Image - Red Nights

Next up i thought i'd opt for the new The Bug track, Skeng. It's pretty nasty and this Kode-9 remix brings that slightly disturbing deeper edge to it. Kind of the aural equivilant of walking around some incredibly haunted mansion. I like.

The Bug feat. Flo-Dan And Killa P - Skeng (Kode-9 remix)

And more on the same vibe, a bit of Milanese, who i believe put things out on Plamet Mu? correct me if i'm wrong. Planet Mu i think are quite closely associated with Warp, but tend to put out the really dark and evil stuff rather than the "IDM" and electronic an such.

Milanese - Cowboy

Finally managed t find some newer Plimsouls material. He's definitey gone for a more upbeat, 8-bit soun here, but it's also some of his best work. His songwriting is coming along with every track e produces and his newer stuff is sonding up there wit the best of the 8-bit artists around at the moment. Get involved.

Plimsouls - Rebecca (Re-edit)

Next up, Flying Lotus who are out on Warp ecords. I've read this lot being described as the most ground breaking thingwarp has ever released. I reckon that's somewhat of an overstqatement when you consider their roster and some of the music they've put out over the years. Regardless of that fact though, it's still a fine tune in a kind of modern take on the whole old school hip-hop thing with lots of lovely twists getting a bit more of a groove going after a little while.
Flying Lotus - Massage Situation

And a bit of modeselektor. Honestly, i know amost nothing about this lot except the've got a fantastic rep and this piece of slowed down elecrto is not about to change that fact. investigate!

Modeselktor feat. Maximo Park - (I can't sleep) Without Music

All my love,



1 comment:

simon k said...

dude I like that Milanese track a lot!

check. i just started my own blog.